
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2020

Law and Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is one of the most daily issues and at the same time most ignored by our society, Colombia being a third world country, where patriarchy and machismo are ways of life, domestic violence, which according to studies mostly occurs against women has been a situation of great concern, since every day there are more deaths due to this issue and more women coming out to share their experiences. As a law student, I feel that one of the aspects that most influences these types of situations is misinformation, we women have lived believing that the state does not turn to look at us, however thanks to the multiple feminist movements , Today we can see how our rights are relevant and representative in our country, which allows us to have a series of ways to defend ourselves from the different types of aggressions that as women in our homes we can receive, but what happens when we are not informed of this? Fear and the feeling of abandonment and inferiority happens, recognizing an